stevenchengcn’s diary

custom injection molding

Ecnomic consideration for automation




In order to evaluate the extent of an installation with which to proceed, the following points should be considered:

  • an analysis of the plastic molding products currently being produced, the markets, the present costs, and the possible savings through automation; and
  • the possible savings by revising the tools and procedures so as to conform with the latest and most advanced techniques with standard tooling.

In the competitive economy that characterizes our business organizations, all products have limited total sales in view of limitations of demand. Since profits are usually based on a percentage of total costs and automation programs tend to reduce costs, total profits may be reduced through automation. It is wise to review this consideration before blindly going ahead with an automation program. Thus increased production and sales should result from an automated setup in order to justify its existence.

Robotic Automation for Industrial Processes


operations as turns, bores, drills, reams, taps, and gages must be recorded in sequence. Once the sequence of the elements is determined, then related information, such as feeds and speeds, commercial perishable tools, special perishable tools, tool-sharpening equipment, locating points for machining and transfer, means for quick and accurate tool setting, inspection stations, gages, and chip removal, should be investigated. After all details of the requirements of the job are carefully planned, then an investigation should be made of available standard equipment to determine which type is preferable and if it can do the job. When studying the equipment available such considerations as coolant systems, type of transfer mechanisms—air, hydraulic, electronic, or mechanical —foundation specifications, and methods of chip removal should not be overlooked. A finished piece of automation equipment is made up largely of standard elements such as conveyors and air, hydraulic, and electrical control mechanisms . After the standard machinery has been selected, then the necessary hardware and mechanisms required must be designed and added to the apparatus. Each of the mechanisms required, whether for holding, moving, or ejecting components, must be carefully considered as to how it will be attached and its operation synchronized with the system.

by steven,a mold maker:

How to make a plastic stack mold PIM plastic mold company